
Hello my fit and fabulous folks. Today I want to talk briefly about workout autonomy. The only way you’re going to be motivated to eat well or exercise consistently is if you actually like what you’re doing and how you’re doing it.

Even though I may design my clients programs, I do it from a place that I know they will have AUTONOMY. Autonomy is being in charge of and liking our own choices. I would rather you do the workout you LOVE consistently vs dreading that crazy hard workout which you end up skipping 50% of the time. (many think they have to run to drop fat or do hours of spin classes that drive up stress and body pain) Those types of workouts do not enhance ones life. For so many years exercise was NOT enhancing my life, as it felt like a chore. It didn't make me feel good. Never again. I never dread my workouts. EVER. If you’re not feeling motivated to exercise or if your motivation is off and on, check in on your autonomy towards what you’re currently doing.



Need a September reset? I am here. xDGH

What does 40 look like?

I am sitting here reading over my new training plan and am getting my head wrapped around my goals for the next 12 weeks. I have hired Bryan Krahn to help me build some muscle and get a better handle on my own nutrition pitfalls. MY WHY? I, just like many of you, have some road blocks that are keeping me from achieving my body composition goals. I have been following Bryan for several years and after interviewing a few other coaches felt he was the best fit for me. Give him a follow if you are curious. As I have said before, I prefer having another coach program my workouts for me, as I tend to overtrain, my body hits a plateau and I can't get out of my own way. When your body stops responding, something needs to change. I tend to want to keep pushing harder and harder on myself and that never ends well. I was also attracted to Bryan's coaching because he specializes in fitness over 40. As many of you know who have been following me, I turn 40 this year in October. 40! FOURRRRRTY!  I feel like I  need you all to know I am ready to LEVEL THE FUCK UP! My business, my brain and my body all need to be challenged in a way that will bring me success and happiness in 2018! FOURRRRTY! Damn, there is SO much power in that age.

What does 40 look like? I know what I used to think 40 looked like, and I do not feel like I fit into any particular mold. I feel better than I did when I was 30, so like the old saying are only as old as you feel. At 39 I listen to Punk music,  I wear gym clothes all day, I ask the kids to ride their long boards, have minimal furniture, have one set of cutlery, no husband, no children, and no pets or plants...gahh am I even an adult?

Here is how I feel today: I am 5! :)



I turn 40 October 12, so for 12 weeks and beyond,  I am working on building this body. I have contacted my good friend Demetri to conduct another photoshoot for my birthday, and want to show case how I think 40 looks. The theme will be fitness, business and lifestyle for my new decade.

Here is my current physique. I want to work on building a strong, aesthetic physique and bring up my delts, triceps, legs and glutes. I want to look a little more jacked! The best part is you can build your body how ever you want. You get to decide how you want to look. It is so much fun.



My biggest struggle: Stress, over-training issues, metabolic impairment (endocrinology issues), nutrition deficiencies and getting off the old school mentality of being a figure competitor. To do this I need to focus on doing less HIIT/sprint sessions, more leisure walking and training with low stress and sustainable fashion. I am lifting 5 days a week with an emphasis on legs and shoulders.  I will focus on eating more carbs around my training, increase my fruits and veggies and drinking more water, at least 3 liters.

I sat down and also wrote out how I wanted to feel, not just what I want to look like. I am currently always sore, and even after a full 8-9 hours of sleep I am waking up feeling tired and like I got hit by a truck. My body is not recovering and this is feedback that I am using to assist in restructuring my training and nutrition plan.

Bryan says that my plan will be adjusted as we work together and we use all of the data I am collecting to do so. I will track my weight, my waist measurement, my food and training journal and finally my photo's to give the full picture of my progress.

Tracking gives me freedom because I love data. I look at it as a fun project and not a chore. My body needs self care. I am worth it. I tell my clients this as well. You AND YOUR HEALTH are WORTH IT!

What do you want to look like? How do you want to feel? What does your age look like? How old do you think you look? Please let me know!

Radiance Retreat 2017

Hello everyone, I just wanted to check in and give you a little feedback on my Radiance Retreat which I arrived home from at 4:00am . We had many delays with the flights, but this is how traveling is and instead of getting upset and anxious about it, I decided to let it teach me a lesson in patience and being mindful in the present. Flipping this around in my head gave me the ability to sit with the discomfort and relax into my surroundings. I spent the last 4 days with 40 very amazing female health and fitness professionals and some who are business coaches and have a passion for health and fitness. We learned all things online business, platform building, trusting in our own expertise and not waiting until we feel ready to jump into deeper connections with our clients, friends and loved ones. There was some very strong personalities which at first made me feel a little intimidated and I put my guard up. I get defensive when someone comes into my personal space, but I realize now that I need to be more comfortable around other alpha women and know we are all in this together. I have a hard time trusting women, and that is another reason I signed up for this retreat. I let myself soften and allowed myself to sit quiet and listen instead of having to be the loud, sarcastic, aggressive Deanna. NOT EASY.

But when it was my turn to speak, I let myself say and be authentically ME, which was the best thing I could ever do, since the theme of the weekend was "TAKING UP SPACE". So I did.

Many women came up to me and asked me for advice and so that validated my decision. I spoke of food obsession freedom, moderation 365, and how I use satisfaction bites in my daily nutrition to navigate my hunger, my energy and my cravings. I love that I am no longer needing to follow a strict diet to stay sane and happy in my body. We also dove into hormones and how body change requires hormonal balance or it doesn't matter how much you diet and how strict you eat. I loved exploring this.




We did yoga on Venice Beach, we learned soft and hard kettlebell sessions and I got some extra work in on Olympic lifting. ( Snatches in particular) I will be using this in my program design for you all, if they are something that fits into your goals and interests so get ready!

The Sport of Kettlebell: How to Compete in Girevoy Sport ... Onnit Labs - Total Human Optimization Providing the best in natural supplements and fitness equipment. Home of our flagship nootropic, Alpha BRAIN.

In order to validate your account, please either send an email from your .mil email address or send in a snapshot of your military ID to our customer service help desk.

Another neat workout called MOVNAT was offered right after our kettlebell sesh, which connected the ladies to their inner child! They crawled and jumped and it was a flow of movement and dance on the beach! More info here: RECLAIM YOUR NATURE. | MovNat, LLC We are not meant to live in a confined environment. We are not meant to be disconnected from the natural world and our own true nature. Chronic pain, immobility ...


Venice Beach is a land of opportunity to network and grow ANY business in the fast lane. You can be in the spot light. You get eaten up and spit out if you are not staying relevant, sexy and popular. It is also the land of the comparison trap. There are always people more attractive then you, who dress better, have nicer hair, and who seem to never have anything bad happen to them. However, there is room for everyone and the scarcity mindset keeps us stuck. I decided to let myself feel like I was just where I needed to be, and the abundance was flowing.



I have come back feeling confused on where I want to take my business, brand and personal life next, which means there will be a pivot very soon. Action is the antidote, and so, when I am ready, I will be ready. Gradually, gradually, gradually....SUDDENLY. I will make some changes. That works better than sitting in worry and angst. ( for those who train with me in person, don't worry, I am most likely sticking around Edmonton for a while 😊 You are stuck with me! )

So, I want to ask you, what are your passions and goals that you see yourself working on in the future. I want to know how I can help you move into action. This can be around fitness, food or mindset around your body. How do you want to feel? What if you never lost another pound? Would you be ok? OR, how do you want to look and feel in an year from now. If you lost 10lb how would life be different? Would your friends treat you better? Coworkers? Husband? What would better or worse? Are you enjoying the process?

You may have been looking at the end result instead of the journey...and so, if I can help you love the journey along the way, then I feel we both win!

I am grateful to be able to coach all of you, and want to always level up to be better. Hit reply with any questions or comments. I will respond to every one!

Love and hugs, Deanna

PS: We crunched some numbers in a mastermind session, and it came up that I have done over 28,800 personal training sessions since I began my personal training career in 2001. I never realized how many hours have added up. I am an expert and have worked with every single struggle you are going through now. I am your coach....ask me how I can help!



A Different Kind Of Transformation #BIGNESS


Fat loss is what I usually have clients come to me to help them achieve, but sometimes I get to help a client with a different kind of transformation. Hypertrophy! YES! Samantha came to me looking to BUILD MUSCLE and that involved her trusting me in the process. Trusting that decreasing her cardio and eating more was going to give her the body she desired. Trusting me that adding weight was something to take pleasure in and not fearing. And finally, trusting me that competing was not about the end result, but enjoying the whole journey to the stage. I look forward to seeing her transform her body and achieve her goals to compete as a Bikini Girl in October and then as a Figure Athlete when she is ready.  She is patient and understands that one must take years to build a body to compete in such an event. She has the tools to do it. I know she will succeed. Here is Samantha. She sent this email check in this morning and I can't help but share.

"Hii Deanna,

Just wanted to thank you for the personal training session last night. I love having you as my coach. I get excited to come in and show you my results because you always make me feel good and compliment my improvements.  Everytime come to you with something you always find a solution, like I thought my shoulders were pulled forward and you gave me a great shoulder workout that gives me a great shoulder pump. I'm super excited for the next 6 week workout I like that it will be 5 days with split workouts.

I understand I still have lots of muscle to build before I can do figure. So I'll be paitent and continue building.

For this year I want to go in one bikini competition INBF October 21.

Going through old photos I found this one from December left and last week right. I wasn't weighting myself then because I don't believe in obsessing over weight. As long as you are healthy and feel good then that's a good weight. I know I was doing a lot of cardio before but I look way better and confident today. I have a lot more weight to gain but I feel like it's going in all the right places.

Having you as my coach has increased my body image and I just wanted to thank you 😊🙏💕

Have a great weekend,


Do you want to build muscle and achieve a body that you can be proud of without killing yourself in the gym and eating less food? What if you loved how you trained and enjoyed everything you ate. What if you focused on getting stronger and bigger over eating less and doing more and more exercise?  Could you trust something that you can't see over night? It takes months and months, but I promise you, it is worth it.

Hit reply and fill me in!

Let's GO!

#hypertrophy #bigness #bigarmsbiglife #lovehowyoutrain #fitnessgirl #figuregirl #physiquegoal #health #mindset #bodyimage #proudcoach #trust

“Say yes and you'll figure it out afterwards.” ― Tina Fey

Quick little check in over here at Deanna Harder Fitness. So, I am saying yes. But first, HYPERRRRTROPHY.

"Muscle hypertrophy is a term for the growth and increase of the size of muscle cells. The most common type of muscular hypertrophy occurs as a result of physical exercise such as weight lifting, and the term is often associated with weight training."

I obviously like the sound of that. So, why is it so scary and embarrassing for many women to tell others that they want to get bigger, like, ON PURPOSE?

I was the girl who did cardio ON PURPOSE to get and stay smaller for 20 years, almost half my life. I see dozens of women and men in the cardio section of the gym still doing that, staring at their phones, counting the minutes and calories they have burned until they are allowed to stop. I am done with that.

I stepped away from the dreaded cardio machines in 2014 and never looked back. The most time I spend on any cardio machine now is 20 minutes, and even that feels long. If I was to train for endurance again, it would be cycling or rowing as they are actually sports. Treadmill intervals for 60 minutes and weird elliptical machines that make my feet fall asleep are not very "sporty". They were used by myself to expend precious calories which by the way, my poor aching body had very little of for a very long time. Putting my body through that seems so cruel and unusual now.

So, HYPERRRRRTROPHY.. is the word that sounds so very sweet rolling off my tongue. Just say it with me...purrrrrrrrtrophy. Thanks Jen Sinkler.

I am doing a 5 day split for the next 3 months. It will look something like this.

Day 1: Legs * squat focus

Day 2: Delts

Day 3: Back -biceps

Day 4: Legs again- *deadlift focus

Day 5: PEXX-triceps

Day 6: Sprints or Met CON

Day 7: Rest and float tank.

Let me BUILD THIS BODY and see what I can do!

Oh yeah, the float tank! I started FLOATING. It is amazing. As a woman who can't shut her brain off, ( I have ADHD) it was something I was really interested to try. You experience, well, NOTHING. People float to relieve stress, recover from injuries, eliminate chronic pain, and lower blood pressure.

They say everything you experience from floating comes from within yourself. Your mind is actually able to be free to explore your thoughts and creativity. With nothing to distract you, many personal insights may occur.


I left the float tank and had a revelation to sell my condo. I need a change. I am turning 40 in 6 months and I can't be living where I am. I feel stuck and have been for a while. I just couldn't seem to get out of my own way. I do not know where I am going to live, but I am taking the advice of the inspiring actress and comedian Tina Fey and am saying yes and figuring it out later. I had a realtor who is also my awesome client Deidre come over to make some suggestions. I have an appointment with the bank to talk about my mortgage, and am now going to start cleaning, sorting and staging my condo for sale. That is THAT!

So, if you are in the Edmonton, Canada area and need a downtown 1 bedroom condo, let me know!

So, there is a little update. I am still smashing the weights, eating my protein, and training the most amazing bad ass clients ever. I have my goals for the next 3 months to get jacked up and then turn 40 with a healthy mind and body...and to be living in a fabulous new home!

Have you ever just said yes without a plan? What are some scary things you are trying to accomplish right now? Hit reply and fill me in. I would love to know!


“Say yes and you'll figure it out afterwards.”

Tina Fey

Patience and Belief

Hey guys. I know YOU know I love deadlifts, and my goal is to pull 300lb.  Today I finally pulled 250. Here I am.


This is more than 2x my bodyweight as I am still sitting at 120lb this morning. I am STOKED. But this is taking so long to achieve. 

To accomplish this lift, it has taken me over 6 months. 6 months. 6 MONTHS!!!!! and I am still 50lb away from my goal. I want to quit. I haven't quit.  I am almost ready to quit. I am in the midst of talking to my coach about quitting tomorrow because I am thinking my goal to pull 300lb is silly and too hard for me. I know I want to, but is this hard work really worth it? I mean, what will change if I can deadlift 300lb? What will it do for me as a human being? Will it make me a better coach, friend, or daughter? Will it make me look better naked? Will it make me more have more income? Does it make me more credible in the power lifting or strength training community? The answer to all of those questions is a firm NO. So WHY THEN? 

I am not a quitter, THAT'S WHY.  It is an amazing feeling to be so disciplined and transform your mind as well as your body into such a strong and confident state of being, but the journey to the goal is where the real lessons are learned. This brings me to today blog post.

I am here to talk about patience. 

I think the two most important concepts behind success in training are:

Patience, and belief.

With any client who comes to me and want results YESTERDAY, I remind them that this stuff takes time. So, I am coaching myself as I would a client. I am revisiting  PATIENCE. 




  1. the capacity to accept or tolerate delay, trouble, or suffering without getting angry or upset.

  2. Patience, endurance, fortitude, stoicism imply qualities of calmness, stability, and persistent courage in trying circumstances.

I know I have to be patient.

Some days I think FUCK! 

“I work hard!  It’s not happening as fast as it should be!  I’m obviously doing something wrong, or I’m not cut out for this deadlift bullshit..everyone else seems to be way stronger than me"



be·lief bəˈlēf/noun

  1. an acceptance that a statement is true or that something exists.

Belief is the state of mind in which a person thinks something to be the case, with or without there being empirical evidence to prove that something is the case with factual certainty.

If I don't believe in myself I WILL FAIL. So, I am changing my self talk to " I can, and I will"

Ahh this self talk is silly. I can do this, I AM DOING THIS..I WILL DO THIS! 


Always be proud of your accomplishments.  You worked for them.  Believe in yourself and your ability to get to that next level.  If you don’t believe you can, no one else will believe for you.

AND I HAVE A COACH WHO BELIEVES IN ME TOO...AND THAT IS A GAME CHANGER. The main reason I hired a caoch for this deadlift goal was for accountability, support, education and consistency during times when I want to say FUCK IT!  Thank-you Jordan!

Good things take time and if you are looking to lift more weight and hit new PRs, lose body fat or gain muscle, patience and belief is an absolute must.

"I choose to believe that my life is an incredible gift."

Even if the current situation or circumstances of your life aren’t what you’d ideally have now, you can creatively notice the ways you’ve been blessed.

You may need to start very small by noticing little things you’re grateful for. If you can find nothing to be grateful for, the fault only lies with you.

You can start simple and small by being grateful for your breath or that you have enough to eat. Over time, little by little, your life situation will shift. Expanding your sphere of gratitude helps you tap into the spiral effect: the better it gets, the better it gets.

Before long, you’ll wake up thinking, “Even if I could, I wouldn’t change a thing.”

What are your current goals that feel impossible? All goals takes time. And practice. And looking inward to your "why".

Hit reply and fill me in! 

Love ya,

Fitbabe x

Control vs Trust

#TRANSPARENCY  implies openness, communication, and accountability. Transparency is operating in such a way that it is easy for others to see what actions are performed. I am all about being transparent here at Deanna Harder Fitness.



The picture on the left was taken 2 weeks after my Figure show in 2013, I was 112lb. (90 min of cardio a day, 6 weight training workouts and an extreme diet). The picture on the right was taken on Sunday night, Feb 5, 2017 and I am now 122lb. (4 strength training workouts focusing on squats and deadlifts, 2 density circuits or sprint workouts and a flexible diet). On Sunday, I was checking in with my coach( Jordan Syatt) feeling bloated and fat. I told him I look puffy all over and felt awful. I was then scrolling through old pics on my phone, and there I was, the exact same bikini, the same mirror but a different mind and body staring back at me. This body was fighting several colitis attacks, psoriasis break outs, and extreme bloating all month. But, I know that shit is temporary. My coach reminded me that my body does this every month. I know this and if you are a woman who did a lot of extreme dieting and exercise and are stressed out, your body most likely does too.

Transitioning off of the Figure Competition stage to a balanced life where I train to be strong and healthy took time. Here is what you need to know if this is YOU.

1) You must start to slowly back off the cardio and extreme dieting. This took me over 4 years. You will gain weight. It happens. And when it does, it involves mirrors, misery and meltdowns.

2) You will feel huge and bloated. This is water retention. It is not fat. Stay calm.

3) You will be just fine. You don't need to control your weight to be just fine. You can weather the panic and choose not to react to it with the former habitual go-to of restriction. It takes practice for sure. But you can do it. #moderation365#foodobsessionfreedom

4) Three F's of fight, you flight or you freeze! Your body can't distinguish between running from a raging bear or doing a spartan race! YOU NEED TO RELAX! I needed to relax and let go of controlling what I looked like and let my body fluctuate. I needed to trust it.

5) YOU MUST stop comparing yourself to how you looked when you competed- I have to do this too. I want to be STRONG. Being small is not my goal right now so stop it NUT! Here's to being strong and finding balance in your life. You really can have the best of both worlds. You just need to #trust the process.

6) Be kind to yourself when things are hard. Life is like the seasons. You can't change the seasons, so instead be prepared for things to go up and down.

I know that I am forever a work in progress and recovery from my ED. I know abs do not give me validation as a fitness expert, but I sure do love having them! #radicalvanity

This balance of control versus trust..... Control is an illusion. And trust is the opposite (and actually the ultimate in control). Trusting life, trusting the process, trusting the journey, trusting YOURSELF that you can handle anything that comes up – THAT. Is magical.

When you trust yourself to handle whatever happens as a result of your action (or non-action), it feels liberating. It’s releasing the urgency of needing to have all the answers and instead allowing yourself to simply relax into the process.

Anyway, I know some of you are terrified to let go of old habits, even when they are no longer serving you. You are not alone. I too was terrified. But I am so much happier now and you can be too.

By the way...Hug more- it releases oxytocin! ❤️ xDeanna

“Should I report an eating disorder?”

Hey guys! Because it is Eating Disorder Awareness Week ( ) I wanted to discuss the sensitive subject on what to do if you suspect someone in your gym could be suffering from an exercise addiction or an eating disorder. It is extremely uncomfortable to watch someone day after day whittle themselves down to a skeleton like frame and not say anything. I received this question from a reader and originally posted it over at Feminist Figure Girl and wanted to share it over here on Deanna Harder Fitness. "We know that through open, supportive dialogue, we can help break the shame, stigma and silence that affect nearly a million Canadians living with a diagnosed eating disorder - and the millions of others struggling with food and weight preoccupation. Our message can bring important information about these illnesses to people across the country and spread hope to those affected."

Here was the question submitted by John, who was concerned with a young woman who he suspected was battling an eating disorder.

Dear Fitbabe, Hello, I am a regular gym goer, and have been observing a young girl who has an incredibly thin frame. She is always on the cardio equipment when I arrive, and is still on it after I have trained for an hour, showered and had a steam. I have mentioned her to the front desk staff and they say several others have brought it the attention of the personal trainers in the gym, but it is a difficult subject.  Should I approach this girl with concern? Doesn’t the gym have a moral obligation to intervene? I am worried about her and I don’t even know her!

Best Regards, John

A:  Thanks for raising this important issue, John. Your question is quite timely as I have been well aware of this happening in the gym I train out of. I too have noticed a young woman who is very thin, does hours of cardio, and then weighs herself obsessively in the ladies change room. Being a Professional Fitness and Lifestyle consultant, and someone who once suffered from disordered eating and obsessive exercising myself, I feel that I have the scope of practice to approach such individuals; however, this is always done WITH CARE AND CAUTION.

First of all, most personal trainers are not counselors, nor doctors, and may not have the required skills for undertaking this type of intervention. What’s more, it is difficult to make assumptions about who has an eating disorder based on appearance alone. There are in fact many people who look pretty normal but are suffering from bulimia, binge-eating, and other disordered eating patterns. I realize that it is possible to make an educated guess, and yet there are many cases where someone is hiding a disorder very well. If you decide to act, I think that it would be appropriate to establish a one-on-one relationship with the person before bringing up this issue. Then, in a non-threatening way, you can raise the subject. This approach would prevent the person at risk from feeling embarrassed, angry, or ashamed, potentially driving them toward increased isolation. Hopefully a trainer at the gym could develop this relationship, and then have some pamphlets, phone numbers and websites ready to offer help. I would suggest that you do not approach this person yourself unless you have the relationship mentioned above.

For me, this question raised general considerations about the potential for enabling unhealthy behaviors in our society. Why is it that fast food chains are not required to refrain from selling their horrible fattening foods to obese individuals, knowing that it is contributing to their disease? Alcoholics are not refused service in bars, gambling addicts are free to enter casinos. It seems that gyms should be similarly allowed to enable those with eating disorders to purge calories! After all, gyms are profit-driven businesses looking to drive up sales, are they not? Maybe they turn a blind eye to such paying customers for this reason. Just a thought….

More seriously, I hope that your gym does have someone with the right qualifications to get this person on the road to recovery. Such an intervention could save someone’s life.

All the best in health,


Have you noticed people, men or women in your gym who may be over exercising to the point of serious health concerns? Have you brought it to attention of the staff at the gym? What was their response? you have an eating disorder? If the way you eat and think about food interferes with your life and keeps you from enjoying life and moving forward, then that is disordered eating. Take it seriously and talk to someone who can help. You don't need to wait for a diagnosis by a doctor.

Clinical Eating Disorders

What exactly are clinical eating disorders? Clinical eating disorders include:

Anorexia nervosa

- When you lose a lot of weight because you're hardly eating anything, and might over-exercise. You probably can't or don't admit how underweight you are. You may not initially look very thin, but may be far too thin to support your health. You can be so thin that every bone in your body shows, but still feel "fat". When you feel fat it makes it hard to ask for help or hear advice from others because, to you, "fat" has come to mean "being bad". You could also know that you are much too thin but don't make changes because you're so afraid of food and gaining weight. To you, this would represent losing control over yourself.

Bulimia nervosa

- When you binge and purge. You eat out of control and then try to get rid of the calories. You fast, make yourself vomit, abuse laxatives, or exercise too much. These ways of purging harm your body and don't help you accomplish what you want. Your weight may go up and down a lot.

Binge eating disorder

- When you eat so much you're uncomfortable, eat to comfort yourself, eat in secret, or keep eating as part of a meal or between meals. You feel a lot of shame or guilt about your eating. Binge eating is also called compulsive eating. It is not the same as bulimia because you do not usually try to get rid of the food you've eaten.

Eating Disorder Not Otherwise Specified (ED-NOS)

- When you experience a mix of anorexia, and/or bulimia, and/or binge-eating symptoms, but don't fall neatly into one of these medical categories, you may have an Eating Disorder Not Otherwise Specified (ED-NOS). If you have an ED-NOS, you should also receive the help and resources provided to individuals who have a "neat" clinical diagnosis.

Any food and weight issues that limit your ability to live a full and pleasurable life are of concern. It doesn't matter if you don't clearly fit one of the clinical categories above – you still can and should seek help.

Hit reply and let's talk!

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How to love sex when you do not love your body right now.

Hey everyone. Today over here at Deanna Harder Fitness, I am going to get a little freaky if I may. 

Let's talk about SEX!

 If you follow me on Facebook you may have noticed I have talking all about #VaginaKUNGFU! I have been diving deep into all things vagina love and I am learning so much from the amazing Kim Anami.   She is teaching me to own my feminine sexual power!  

"When your vagina is activated, meaning you are connected to it, you own it and it is integrated into your body and being, you are lit up. ⠀ You're lit!" You have access to your powerful, creative, life-force sexual energy and you can manifest your desires out into the world. ⠀

They don't call it "pro-creative" energy for nothing! "

For a long time ( like 5 years....5 fucking YEARS!!!) I was not in touch with my sexual side. I was obsessed with body perfection and didn't have any space to date or fuck men. I instead spent all my time training and eating to look a certain way, which in fact made me feel very unsexy. I hated how I looked in the mirror, and the thought of any man finding me desirable was inconceivable. I was leaner than ever, and felt unfuckable. It has only been since August that I have started to feel sexier again. I did some work on myself. I worked with an Endocrinologist who helped me optimize my hormones, naturally. I have put on body fat, gained muscle, and healed my relationship with food and exercise. My self confidence is high, therefore I radiate sexual desire. Confidence is sexy, insecurity not so much. Many of my clients who have gained weight, or have had babies, or are going through peri-menopause, or menopause are finding it harder and harder to enjoy sex because they no longer love their bodies. The media still praises tiny, slight, women with perfect breasts and flat stomachs as the most desired. But that shit isn't reality. WE ARE BUMPY, CURVY, SOFT, ROUND, AND JIGGLY! The truth is, if you love yourself, you can love sex right NOW! You are fuckable right now. You do not have to lose 20lb to be sexy. You can radiate sexuality right now if you start to connect with your body. Your body is beautiful right now, and if you love yourself, you will want to eat better, exercise and embrace your sexual desires. You and your spouse will thank-you. Sex will give you energy. Sex will empower you, it will make you walk taller, you will show up happier, more relaxed and with confidence.

How can we love sex, even if we may not love how we look??

  1. OWN IT! Stand in the mirror and rock that body. Look at your curves. Touch yourself. Run your hands over your skin and feel how beautiful you are. Connect with yourself. You will get turned on IMMEDIATELY!

  2. Get comfortable naked with the lights on in bed with your partner. Again, OWN IT. Rock it.Men do not care if you have a little extra body fat, in fact, most men tell me they love a woman with a little more thickness. Let go, let him see you, let him touch you and enjoy you. No man in his right mind will be turned off by a confident, sexually open women.

  3. If you do not have a partner, or even if you do...start to touch yourself. Commit to self pleasure for 30 days. Get a vibrator, or begin to touch yourself, put your fingers inside yourself and explore! Do not feel embarrassed or ashamed. Your body is your own to explore. If you discover what makes you turned on, you will be able to direct your partner! He/she will love that.

Here are some of Kim Anami's tips on how to achieve an amazing organsm:

1) Every woman, every orgasm. Yes, vaginal—G-Spot, cervical—or nipple orgasms are available to every woman, everywhere. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.

2) One is never enough. The more the merrier! A few orgasms in a session leave a woman feeling truly satisfied. One is just an appetizer. ⠀ 3) An orgasm a day keeps FUKME (Females Utter freaking out about absolutely nothing due to lack of phallic shapes, near, in or around their vaginas, leading to Kataclysmic, psychopathic Moments of intense and troubling repressed sExual tension) away. ⠀ 4) Go deep. The good stuff is in the vagina. The G-Spot and cervix are much deeper and more profound and even spiritual releases for a woman. ⠀ 5) Let it go. All orgasms are attained through surrender, especially the deeper, life-changing orgasms of the vagina. 
Watch the video here:⠀ ⠀

So, ok, you do all the above and you still are not feeling sexy?  

WELL THEN DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT! If you are not able to relax and feel better about yourself, YOU NEED TO CHANGE IT. YOU NEED TO DO THE UNDERLYING WORK. Own it OR CHANGE IT! Take action. Action over anxiety. Take responsibility and acknowledge what you are not happy with. Or stop fucking complaining. Hire a trainer and get to the gym 3 days a week. Take a sexy salsa class. Start walking more. Practice self care by getting to bed earlier, take hot baths and meditate. Start to track your food intake and aim to get in a protein and veggie at each meal. Drink more water. Buy clothing that is flattering and makes you feel sexy. Get a new hair cut and flaunt your unique style. Commit and decide that where you are now is not where you want to be. Take action and just go after that confidence now. Once you make that appointment you will start to feel better immediately.




 #lovesexdesire #bodycondfidence #selfesteem #selflove

** Trigger warning. I am writing from my personal experience. I am not a sex expert. If you have experienced any sort of sexual trauma or are have deeper issues than I can help you with, please do not take this advice! This is a fun, flirty blog written to inspire those who may need a pick me up in their sex lives. I feel this information is in my heart to share, therefore I am qualified. The world needs you to love yourself. You deserve it  In case you didn't know this, you're pretty fucking special, you are AMAZING. 



Loving yourself, revisited.

Hey loves. I want to share a post that I made on Facebook last month over here on my blog. I realize now I was using Facebook as a blog for so long, and so, I am re-posting them here. If you are new to Deanna Harder Fitness, you will need to know I only started blogging in October 2016, so I am a bit late to the party. Please read this very raw post and be sure to comment below. Love ya. DHx So, I am going to be vulnerable here and post this to help others who are struggling with self esteem and toxic people. I was working with a 20 something female client this week who is dating an asshole. He is constantly belittling her and she tells me how it makes her feel so insecure. This girl is FREAKING AWESOME! She has the most beautiful smile and she is smart and driven. I can't stand the thought of her letting anyone tell her otherwise. I know she will read, here.. we... go!

I have been working on loving myself for my whole life. I finally started to feel pretty fuxking confident this last year, only after a decade of hard work. I opened myself up to dating even though I had braces, had gained some weight and felt ugly.

I dated a man briefly this summer who told me I shouldn't love myself so much. He told me that NO BODY should love themselves so much and that I was stupid for doing so. He would get angry when I would express happiness for how good I was feeling and he would tell me he didn't want to hear it. He told me he couldn't understand how I made it this far in life alone as to him I was still a child. He told me that I had it too easy because my parents loved me too much and gave me a great childhood!

He hated that I posted so much on social media and that I was too "into myself". He said he hated himself and he couldn't be around someone so happy. He always made me feel stupid and I would leave our visits feeling empty and sad. But, I wanted him to like me...which right there proves how easy it is for someone with low self esteem to attract an asshole.

Now that it ended I realized how WRONG HE WAS! parents gave me a great childhood...they loved the shit out of me. My mom and dad told me I could do anything I set my mind to if I worked hard..and so I DID! I went to college away from home. I moved to the city and I started my business alone. I bought my condo alone, traveled alone and made my life what it is alone. So if that makes me a child than YAY ME! I will forever be a child then. Yes, I post on social media teaching fitness and fun. I am willing to be messy and imperfect. Even in front of others. This is what I do for a living you idiot. If I don't love myself how can I expect anyone else to love me? How do I expect my clients to want to hire me?

Self-love is THE most important thing you need in order to have ANYTHING you want, to really make you happy, loved, and fulfilled. Without self-love you will constantly be wondering what is wrong with you, why things “never work out” and why you aren’t getting what you want. Self-love is the critical foundation in your happiness.

So fuxk that guy, and that is exactly what I told my client to tell her boyfriend who makes her feel bad. She needs to love herself and see how amazing she is if she wants to be happy with all aspects of her life.

Anyway...that is all I want to say about that.

Let's go and be awesome and fuxk those people that want to make you feel bad about loving yourself. Let go of things that aren’t serving you, including people.

How have you overcome a toxic relationship? Have you had trouble loving yourself? Can you be vulnerable and share with me here too? I would love that from you!
