I've been openly talking about peri menopause with my clients and on my socials, not only because I am taking my second Menopause Health and Fitness Specialist Course, but because this is my life now- my niche and because I am 46 and entering mid life.
Perimenopause is the period leading up to menopause. Menopause is reached when you haven’t had a period for 12 months. So when people say ‘I’m going through menopause’ what they really mean is ‘I’m going through this cluster-fuck called peri-menopause, which will hopefully lead to actual menopause, swiftly.’
When I tell people that I am in mid-life they exclaim ‘but, you’re too young for that!’, which isn’t true.
At 46, I am well within the age category to be in this stage of life.
Peri-menopause starts as early as our late 30’s and the average age in the US and Canada to reach actual menopause is 51. I have a friend and colleague who at 36 is in early menopause.
For many of my ladies, one of the most dramatic symptoms they have reported this far are erratic AF periods
One client reported a cycle that was 13 days long. Good times!
Other symptoms are heavier than usual periods, for me my cycle is shorter- 21-28 days vs 28 days last year. Nothing crazy, but just something to pay attention to.
Feeling hotter than normal???
Look, you ladies are always ‘hawt’ AF, but I mean, you feel like you’re running hot. You will experience this randomly in Peri.
Night sweats where you want to keep the windows open, then you’re fucking freezing. Repeat until it’s time to get up d your PJ’s are actually damp with sweat.
Once women hit the menopausal transition, sleep really takes a dive. As your hormones decline, sleep is disrupted-including trouble falling asleep and frequent awakening.
Different body fat distribution. Many will complain their waist is thicker than it was 5 years ago.
Other people report wild mood swings, appetite changes, depression, anxiety and the list goes on and on. But that doesn't mean we can't change your body comp again in midlife.
I can't stop ageing but I can slow the effect of ageing down by optimizing my sleep, managing my stress and nourishing my body.
I can fuel myself with the appropriate amount of calories that satisfy my body and soul.
I can focus on building and preserving as much lean muscle mass as possible.
I can move more to offset all the sitting on my ass I do each day.
It's all a work in progress!
And this is the message that needs to be shared with all of my clients.
Instead of mindlessly blaming hormones, let's focus on the things that can be controlled, improved, worked on.
Instead of you feeling like you are a slave to the internal workings of your body, I want to help you be proactive and empowered with evidence based knowledge. ** this is why I took this course.
Instead of a woman expecting to maintain or chase down the same body shape and body fat percentage of her 20yr old self, lI want to help her be compassionate towards her midlife body.
I know it can be difficult to get these messages across; some clients aren't ready for it, nor are they wanting to accept responsibility.
But they need to know the truth of it.
And it's my job to lead them there.
I take responsibility for managing this situation in mid life with the appropriate lifestyle choices to create the best hormonal environment possible.
If you are struggling, you don't have to do it alone. I can help.
Your Coach,
Today’s gonna be a good day because my dress is very twirly AND has pockets. :)