If I could sum up how I eat and train now after going through extreme diets and long periods of over exercising.. I would say “it feels calm” .. just a gentle settling where I can finally exist in a space where I can eat for my goals of strength and hypertrophy but also drink wine and eat chocolate or take a rest day and not feel bad or guilty.
A few years ago that would have been a NO. Now I can be around any food at any time and I don’t feel stressed being around them. I don’t feel anxiety if I don’t weigh or measure my food, and even the idea of restricting foods (( like #dryjanuary 🙅🏻♀️)) lol makes me feel so angry! 🔪
I never tell myself I can’t have something. It super charges my diet brain.
As long as you're restricting yourself or making any food forbidden and then you usually can’t stop thinking about that food.
My eating disorder thrived on restriction and rules. Even the PERCEPTION of deprivation leads to overindulgence - always.
Giving myself unconditional permission to eat whatever I want - I always have ease with my food- I don’t eat everything just because it tastes good- I check in with how I am feeling.. a quick body scan- physically- am I hungry? How hungry? Am I craving? Could I wait an hour to eat? It’s just a low level of mindfulness.
Mindfulness just slows time.. making the connection between your choices and how they make you “feel”....
For me I want to feel good! Not starving, not stuffed, no more mental gymnastics of what to eat, when to eat, how many calories, could I fit this into my macros??
Food is a non issue- not taking up so much rent space in my head!
I want to help my clients have a better, less stressful relationship with food AND minimize the amount of time and mental energy they spend thinking and obsessing about food, so they can spend their finite time and energy on other things, like family, career, personal development and balance.
I want them to know they trust themselves around food 100% of the time.
The #Moderation365 Method is the only way I eat now.. it’s a forever thing. 🥂
As I take 4 new clients through this curriculum I remind myself how I want to feel around food and exercise.
Let me know if this is something you can relate to. I have a solution to help you move from a dieter to a moderator.
Impromptu photoshoot after my workout this morning.