I am back with another amazing client spotlight. This is my final spotlight of 2020 and who else to end the year with a BANG than the one and only Daina Kelm. I asked Daina to dig in and tell her story, and so, she did.
Hey Daina. Thank you so much for being my client spotlight.. let's dig in.
“HI Deanna.
Oh boy, this is a significant emotional share for me, but I am more than happy to do it!
My name is Daina Kelm and I walk in this life as a mother, a Registered Nurse, a foodie, a playful spirit and lover of all things sports and fitness related. I grew up on a farm in Northern BC, taking pride in the fact there wasn't anything my brother or dad could physically do, that I could not.
I was dedicated to my horses and obsessed with sports; there was never an activity that I didn't take a liking to. I grew up on skis from the age of two, went on to playing baseball, soccer and golf, to eventually finding my love on a Volleyball court. This is where I spent a greater portion of my life throughout college and well beyond University. I graduated from the U of A with a nursing degree and once again quickly learned what the definition of hard physical and emotional labor was. I was strong and capable and took so much pride in this as it allowed me to contribute to my teams workload without any limitations. It was during this time that I dove in hard to fitness trying all kinds of workouts; HIIT, Beach Body programs, mountain biking to a point where I joined an all girls Down Hill Mountain Biking Club called "Dirt Girls'.
As time passed I was gifted with a precious baby girl who quickly became my new found reason for being a good human, and living my best life. I continued to play Women's and Coed Volleyball, I went back to my golf clubs and even participated in some Ultimate Frisbee.
But pregnancy/childbirth and sleepless nights not only gifted me with unconditional love, it also left my body in a state of trauma.
14 months after having my daughter, my mind, body and soul had changed. Looking back I would classify a lot of my emotional pain with undiagnosed postpartum depression. But it wasn't until the physical limitations started to surface that I knew I was in a very bad place. It felt like overnight, I was unable to open the snaps on my daughters onesies; I could no longer lift her out of her crib in the morning, and my hips were so riddled with pain I could barely shuffle down the hall to sooth her morning cry's. I could not bring my arms above my head, I could no longer open pickle jars, shovel snow, carry groceries. The basic activities of daily living were out of my wheelhouse, and let me tell you I was in the LOWEST of low places of my life. My previous highly independent, capable self was now left almost immobilized. I felt useless and I had lost my sense of self. The person who I'd lived my entire life as, simply no longer existed.
Fast forward almost 4 years later, a few extra unwelcomed LBS and inches on my body, and a LOT OF ACCEPTING of where I was at, I finally received a diagnosis of an autoimmune disease. This is common to present postpartum, and is something no one can ever prepare a woman for. I had to accept I could no longer play volleyball, grip a golf club, run (my lung capacity was affected from the autoimmune disease); I lost my ability to be physically active in almost every capacity. Each time I tried, I would unknowingly push too hard, and end up bed ridden with inflammation in my tendons... it was pure hell. Rinse and repeat-this was my cycle.....of trying to get some kind of physical strength back.
Until...... I reached out to my long time dear friend, ASS kicking, soul loving, Deanna Harder.
I made this choice for a few reasons;
1. I knew that if the things I was doing weren't working, I needed to make a change.
2. I knew I had enough pain and mild depression that I would never hold myself accountable and would continue to make excuses; I needed accountability and she provided me with this.
3. I needed a coach who would listen, who would understand my physical and mental limitations, someone to recognize the sense of loss I'd felt in no longer being able to do something as simple as yoga. I was afraid to move my body because the pain afterwards was terrifying. I needed a coach to ensure my programming was specific to my body's abilities. I needed a coach to help get me to places that I didn't know were ACTUALLY in my wheelhouse. I could go on and on as to why I hired a coach, but you get the picture. The reasons are actually endless.
I can tell you that since my time the past few months with Deanna, I almost feel like I am back !
Back in the sense that there is nothing I can no longer do in our outside the home. I am back to playing golf in a women's league ( I actually shot 34 rounds last summer ), I recently took up cross country skiing, and now working out 3-4 days a week- with NO PAIN afterwards. It does feel like a miracle.
As I look forward to my current goals, they are quite simple:
1. To be able to move my body in a way that feels meaningful in my life. No more goals of weight-loss- I simply want functional strength and abilities.
2. I wouldn't mind a killer set of legs with some badass quads and hamstrings.
3. I want to make sure I am still here doing the work, for the next 30 years of my life. “
Thank you for sharing your story Daina. So many women can relate and will see your struggles as inspiration for their own success. I am honored to be your coach and feel lucky that I get to help you get stronger and feel more confident every week. 2020 wasn't all bad. It brought us back together and we are proving that virtual training works and in fact is working more in your favour being the life/career you have may not afford you an hour to drive to the gym, find parking, train and drive home!
I look forward to keeping this going!
Love, Coach Deanna