Hey everyone. I thought I would do a little training follow up. If you have been following me on Facebook as well as here on my wordpress, you will know I have been doing a hypertrophy program for 14 solid weeks. Although I absolutely love the results I have gotten, I wasn’t very consistent with my beloved pull-ups.
I used to be able to do 10 unbroken strict pull-ups easy. However, as of last week I discovered I could only do 5. Gahhh! I gassed out!
Your body adapts to the demand you place on it. Pull-ups are hard as fuck. You have to keep doing them repeatedly to keep them. This is the principle of adaptation.
"The principle of adaptation refers to the process of the body getting accustomed to a particular exercise or training program through repeated exposure. As the body adapts to the stress of the new exercise or training program, the program becomes easier to perform and explains why beginning exercisers are often sore after starting a new routine, but, after doing the same exercise for weeks and months at the same intensity, the exerciser experiences little, if any, muscle soreness. This reinforces the need to constantly vary the exercise and training routine if you want to maximize your results."
So, I need to get my body back under some new stress again.
The most annoying thing a client can say to me is “I want to do a pull up” and then proceed not to do them!!
Sorry, just like learning a new instrument, or to speak a new language, you have to put your time (reps) in, consistently.
So in order for me to get back to 10 plus unbroken pull-ups, I am following a 5 RM Pull-up ladder program by Strong First.
My favourite thing about strength training is I get to go into the gym and decide how I want to look, feel and perform. I have total autonomy over my goals. You can literally pick a goal and get a program to allow you to smash them.
However, To see a great change in your strength you have to apply a great stress.
The body adapts only when you force it to do something intense.
Don’t be afraid to get uncomfortable.
So, pick a goal. Make it a priority and do the actions to get there. Make sure it’s a goal you realllllllly want...or you won’t show up. Don’t pick a goal that makes you miserable!
Have you ever started a fitness routine, only to fall off a few weeks - or hell a few days later? And don't you just want to find someone who can help you stay motivated and accountable to your personal fitness goals? Enter me, the "Pull-up Maiden". I will I wbe the one you can rely on for accountability. I won’t let you quit! Hiring a coach is a game changer.
Let’s smash those goals.
10 pull ups....I am coming for you.
Hit reply and tell me what goals you are working on today? I am here for you.