Turning 40 and a new beginning!
After I went through a hardship 10 years ago with a condo litigation disaster I was in limbo. I felt as though I was undeserving of having nice things. I never felt at home in this place. I never really unpacked and no pictures were hung. I was stuck in inaction. I kept saying to myself, "as soon as I get married, I will move out of this place"
"As soon as I make more money I will renovate"
"I will sell it and just start over..."
As soon as, bla bla bla...it wasn't happening.
My husband has not shown up yet...
The market wasn't optimal for selling my condo, and if I did sell it...where was I going anyway?
So, I took action!
I asked for help.
Asking for help requires authenticity, and vulnerability.
I gave my client/Friend a budget to paint and decorate my condo.
I came home from my Thanksgiving weekend with my family Monday, October 9 and my clients Patricia and Sandra had worked some magic!
Turns out all along I just needed to change my mindset. HATE IT...CHANGE IT.
It is beautiful.
I love where I live. For the first time ever.
I am so grateful.
Take action. Ask for help. You are never stuck.
“From what I’ve seen, it isn’t so much the act of asking that paralyzes us—it’s what lies beneath: the fear of being vulnerable, the fear of rejection, the fear of looking needy or weak. The fear of being seen as a burdensome member of the community instead of a productive one" Amanda Palme
On Thursday October 12 I woke up and I was 40!! FOURRRRRTY! WOOOOOSH. It felt very powerful.
Turning 40 is awesome! New decade- new beginnings!
Oh Haaaaay 40! Let’s do this!
October 12 was a great day to be Deanna Harder. 🤙🏻sleep in- a full 10 luxurious hours of sleep 🤙🏻 drinking espressos enjoying my new digs🤙🏻leg workout - heavy and intense!! 🤙🏻facial 🤙🏻pedicure party with cool people 🤙🏻drinks and food at Cactus Club on Jasper! Good friends and a lot of laughs is all I could ever ask for!
I was spoiled and I am so grateful!!
40 - what does 40 even look like?
Like this...🙏🏻
Here is a sneak peak of my condo!
It is cozy and warm. I am in love and want to invite people over for wine for the first time ever.
The moment we get clear about exactly where we are in life, we have the power to transform.
Are you currently owning exactly where you are?
Do you feel stuck?
Hit reply and fill me in!
We are in this together!