So, I decided that whenever I write a blog it is going to be written with brutal honesty. I also decided that I will be authentic and allow myself to be vulnerable. That means that some of you will read this and decide I AM NOT FOR YOU. I am ok with that. I am ok with the fact I may turn a lot of you off, and that is kind of cool because then I know for sure that the ones who are still here are only here because they like me. I am not in the convincing business. I am in the trust business. I think that building trust happens when one is shows up authentic.Who doesn't want to look good naked? Giggle
Honestly, the number one reason I LIFT WEIGHTS? I love how it makes me look. Saying that makes me feel silly and vain. But if vanity is what drives me, then so what? I am 39 years old and I feel like other than a few more wrinkles on my face I still look like I did when I was 25. I have just as much energy and enthusiasm for training and lifting as I did when I was 25. It is not by accident. It is because I have stayed motivated to look good, which in turn makes me feel good. The catalyst for me was those heavy weights. The weight training gave me self confidence, the self confidence made me feel good, feeling good made me feel attractive, feeling attractive made me want to keep lifting. For you it may be downhill skiing, or dancing. For me, it was weight training.
Strong is SEXY AF!
The second reason I love lifting weights is because I love being strong. Being strong is not something you can go and purchase in a store. You have to put in work. It is done by getting uncomfortable and showing up daily, weekly, monthly and yearly. Your body will adapt to the demands you place on it. If you demand very little from your body, then you get very little in return. Being strong also makes me feel sexy. Feeling sexy makes me feel good. So, again, we are back to the first point. When you feel good, you look better. You smile more, your walk taller. You show up to the world better. You can cope with stress better. Being strong is like money in the bank. Invest in yourself by adding more lean body mass to your body just like you would add money into a bank account.
Wellness > Illness
The third reason I lift? Because the alternative is illness. I choose wellness. It decreases my anxiety, it builds valuable bone mass, it helps me sleep better, it improves my sex life, my mood, my outlook on life. I love to show up to a goal and prove to myself that I am a person I can count on. I am accountable. Which makes me reliable. All that from 4 days a week in the weight room you ask? Yes, yes, yes.
A regular strength training program helps you reduce body fat and burn calories more efficiently, which can result in a healthy weight loss. Strength training helps preserve and enhance your muscle mass and bone mass, regardless of your age. So start now. Regular weight lifting increases bone density, which reduces the risk of fractures and osteoporosis. This is really super important to me as I have had amenorrhea for 7 years. (Amenorrhea is the absence of a menstrual period.)
I know the reason I have lost my period is because of a decade of training for Figure Competitions, where I over exercised and dieted too strictly. This caused a lot of stress in my body. I am currently working with an endocrinologist to continue to help me troubleshoot this issue. The loss of my period also means I am also at risk for osteoporosis, but because I have never quit strength training, my bone scan came up normal last March.
Let's wrap this up!
So ladies and gents, the point is lifting heavy weights has been a gift I have given myself that keeps on giving back to me. I know that lifting heavy isn't just good for your muscles and body composition, it is also good for your bones, your mind and your general disposition. In order to see a lasting change to your body composition and experience long-term fat loss, you have to begin lifting heavy weights in an intentional way. As you progressively overload your body with more weight, you are requiring your muscles to work harder to lift that weight. This results in tiny little muscle tears that take hours for your body to repair. That repair process means you will be burning calories long after your workout is complete. And, while it may not feel like your weight training workout is burning many calories during, you will 100% find yourself breathless and burning after a well planned strength training program, I promise!
Whew, that was fun. As I was putting myself on the hook to write this blog, I reached out to my clients and asked them why they love to train. Here are some of the responses:
"I love to sweat and feel the burn! Makes me feel alive!" -Jessica.
"I exercise because ... it is my therapy. It is my time to put my headphones in, and lose the world. I sweat out all my frustrations, my negative self talk, my worries, my anger, and my doubts. I leave it at the gym, and walk out with a clear head. And I don't leave the gym until my head is clear! The days that I don't want to go are the days I need to go the most!" -Lynnette
"I exercise because I love the way it makes my body feel. I love sweating, seeing what I am capable of, and challenging myself to new things" -Crystal F
"I exercise because I feel fantastic during and afterwards (usually about 10-20 minutes in, once I am very warm). I get endorphin rushes and like to feel very strong. I also like to have a nice overall shape (ie muscles supporting my back and shoulders) instead of a caved-in or slumping posture." Lianne
**also known as The Feminist Figure Girl
So, why do you train? Figuring out your why is so important! The better you understand what makes you tick, the more you will show up to your training. It will become a non-negotiable.
Please leave me a comment and tell me your why! I would love to hear from you. We are all in this shit together. Let's help each other and be awesome!
Love you.
#deannaharderfitness #findyourwhy #health #strengthtraining #Actionoveranxiety #lovehowyoulive
Picture below...39 years old and loving my body! XDH