Do you need to workout SMARTER not HARDER?

You may think with the last name {Harder}- I would be the first one to preach “GO HARD OR GO HOME”
Although, yes, I do pride myself on being a hard worker, and “easy is earned “, there are times when working harder is actually what was keeping me stuck.
It’s true that most women have multiple competing priorities including: managing a home, work life, raising children, social media, confusion around female training (lack of or TOO MUCH education/misinformation, physical barriers (eg Pre-Post Natal, peri menopause /menopause), time constraints, unrealistic expectations and don’t forget training myths like “weightlifting makes you look like a man etc)...
Now enter that "not good enough” self talk when we are also being told we just need to “work harder” if we aren’t getting the results we are chase.
Not losing fat? Work harder.
Not getting stronger? Work harder.
Not gaining muscle? Work harder.
Not sweating? Work harder.
Not sore? Work harder.
We KNOW how to work hard. It’s all we have ever been taught to do.

Work hard.
Be strong.
Hold it down.
Stay resilient.
Be grateful.
The problem with this, is that when we add hard intense training into an already stressful lifestyle (poor sleep, poor nutrition mental health issues), often we see problems escalate.
When it comes to getting results with our training goals, we DON’T need to work harder- we need to work SMARTER and start to work WITH our bodies, rather than against them.
We need to look at the entire lifestyle. We need to address stress management, thoughts/beliefs around training and nutrition, environment (support systems/stressors), sleep routines, hormones, nutritional foundations, daily movement and THEN training (stop asking about things like supplements, fasted cardio, meal timing etc. these things are a huge waste of your time and energy if you haven’t mastered the basics first).
Often this comes down to us taking RADICAL Responsibility for our health.
Making sure you manage your stress levels by prioritizing sleep, nutrition, setting boundaries etc.
Checking the above list off BEFORE you even start to add more workouts.